How Well-Off Would You Be in Westeros?
Money Saving

How Well-Off Would You Be in Westeros?

02 September 2016

How Well-Off Would You Be in Westeros?

Discover how far your income would stretch in the dangerous and turbulent lands of Westeros, where Winter is coming and the gas ain't cheap!

Which of the following best describes you?

Unemployed man / Unemployed woman

Man earning 0-14K / Woman earning 0-14K

Man earning 15- 19K / Woman earning 15- 19K

Man earning 20- 24K / Woman earning 20- 24K

Man earning 25- 39K / Woman earning 25- 39K

Man earning 40- 99K / Woman earning 40- 99K

Man earning 100K+ / Woman earning 100K+

Nights Watch

John Snow

Someone like John Snow

Typical working week: Patrolling the wall, sword practice and repelling the occasional Wildling siege.

Perks: The odd snowball fight. That's it.

Your boss: The Lord Commander.

Your purse:coin

The Night's Watch don't receive a wage. The best you can hope for is a hot meal and occasionally a bed to sleep in.

Street Urchin

Arya Stark

Someone like Arya Stark

Typical working week: Scurrying around the dangerous streets of Braavos, begging for food and swearing revenge on your enemies.

Perks: No crippling castle mortgage payments.

Your boss: You don't have one.

Your purse:coin

Street Urchins have a limited income stream which consists of begging or stealing for their supper.



Someone like Hodor

Typical working week: Tending to your farm land, harvesting crops and raising livestock. The occasional battle in service of your lord.

Perks: A roof over your head, albeit a leaky one.

Your boss: Your local lord.

Your purse:coincoin

Although poor, Smallfolk do earn a modest wage that they can use to patch up their woolen rags. You should get to eat most days too.



Someone like Gilly

Typical working week: Tending to the needs of your fellow smallfolk, as well as your superiors.

Perks: A roof over your head, albeit a leaky one.

Your boss: Your local lord.

Your purse:coincoin

Although poor, Smallfolk do earn a modest wage that they can use to patch up their woolen rags. You should get to eat most days too.



Someone like Bronn

Typical working week: Slaughtering whoever it is you have been paid to slaughter.

Perks: Regular exercise and plenty of loot.

Your boss: Whoever is baying you (temporarily).

Your purse:coincoincoin

Sellswords swear no loyalty to any lord, banner or king. Instead, you work for whoever pays the most and have plenty of cash to spend, for the time that you remain alive.



Someone like Missandei

Typical working week: Translating heated conversations between opposing Kings and Queens.

Perks: Tasting delicious food and fine wines (for poison).

Your boss: Your King or Queen.

Your purse:coincoincoin

Life can be stressful for a scribe as you translate awkward conversations between ego-crazed leaders. However, you are paid well and might get the occasional expensive gift from your king or queen, if you behave.

Landed Knight

Davos Seaworth

Someone like Davos Seaworth

Typical working week: Counselling your Lord and keeping a watchful eye over your lands, as well as the smallfolk that tend to it. The occasional battle.

Perks: The smallfolk are really polite to you (even if they are just pretending).

Your boss: Your liege Lord.

Your purse:coincoincoincoin

Landed Knights spend a lot of time trying to appease their liege Lord. However, you receive a substantial and regular income from your lands and smallfolk, allowing you to afford luxuries like fine wines and hearty feasts.

Landed Knight

Brienne of Tarth

Someone like Brienne of Tarth

Typical working week: Counselling your Lord and keeping a watchful eye over your lands, as well as the smallfolk that tend to it. The occasional battle.

Perks: The smallfolk are really polite to you (even if they are just pretending).

Your boss: Your liege Lord.

Your purse:coincoincoincoin

Landed Knights spend a lot of time trying to appease their liege Lord. However, you receive a substantial and regular income from your lands and smallfolk, allowing you to afford luxuries like fine wine and hearty feasts.


Jamie Lannister

Someone like Jaime Lannister

Typical working week: Bossing your servants about and socialising with the high born.

Perks: Your whole life is one big perk.

Your boss: Usually your father or mother (King or Queen).

Your purse:coincoincoincoincoin

Life is pretty good for a prince, with an army of servants to look after you and easy access to the vast bank of mum and dad.


Sansa Stark

Someone like Sansa Stark

Typical working week: Bossing your servants about and socialising with the high born.

Perks: Your whole life is one big perk.

Your boss: Usually your father or mother (King or Queen).

Your purse:coincoincoincoincoin

Life is pretty good for a princess, with an army of servants to look after you and easy access to the vast bank of mum and dad.


Stannis Baratheon

Someone like Stannis Baratheon

Typical working week: Plotting to crush your enemies and keeping a sharp eye over your dominion.

Perks: Everyone has to do what you say because you are in charge.

Your boss: Your King or Queen.

Your purse:coincoincoincoincoincoin

These people really do lord it over everyone, with huge power and wealth drawn from your vast dominions that fuels your lavish lifestyle and thirst for glory over your counterparts.


Olenna Redwyne

Someone like Olenna Redwyne

Typical working week: Plotting to crush your enemies and keeping a sharp eye over your dominion.

Perks: Everyone has to do what you say because you are in charge.

Your boss: Your King or Queen.

Your purse:coincoincoincoincoincoin

These people really do lord it over everyone, with huge power and wealth drawn from your vast dominions that fuels your lavish lifestyle and thirst for glory over your counterparts.


Tommen Baratheon

Someone like Tommen Baratheon

Typical working week: Sitting uncomfortably on your throne and running your kingdom the way you see fit.

Perks: You can drink wine all day and nobody is allowed to comment.

Your boss: Nobody (except your mother).

Your purse:coincoincoincoincoincoincoin

You've reached the top of the ladder and there's nowhere else to go. You have ultimate control over the lords and their armies and can summon your kingdom to bloody war in a heartbeat. Your wealth is almost unlimited and you can spend it on anything you like (new ship in my honour, anyone?).


Daenerys Targaryan

Someone like Daenerys Targaryan

Typical working week: Sitting on your throne and running your kingdom the way you see fit.

Perks: You can drink wine all day and nobody is allowed to comment.

Your boss: Nobody (except your dragons).

Your purse:coincoincoincoincoincoincoin

You've reached the top of the ladder and there's nowhere else to go. You have ultimate control over the lords and their armies and can summon your kingdom to bloody war in a heartbeat. Your wealth is almost unlimited and you can spend it on anything you like (new ship in my honour, anyone?).

If you liked this, you might also enjoy our animated guide to Game of Thrones Fan Theories - and if you need to catch up on the series, Now TV vouchers will help you save on the easiest way to get to Westeros!

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