How do I get an Ernest Jones discount code?
Browse our list of Ernest Jones offers. Click on the blue ‘get code’, ‘get reward’, or ‘view discount’ button for the offer you want to redeem. You’ll then be taken through to the Ernest Jones website. If your deal has a code, it’ll be automatically copied to your clipboard.
How do I get free delivery from Ernest Jones?
Standard delivery is free on all orders over £100.
When's the nest Ernest Jones sale?
There are sure to be Ernest Jones sales on throughout the year, be sure to stay in touch with us at vouchercloud and we'll keep you in the know!
Ernest Jones Offers
You can always find a range of discounts and sales at the Ernest Jones online store, making buying your next precious jewellery piece, or a gift for a friend, more affordable. From watches to engagement rings, Ernest Jones’ expertise sifts through all available products to help you find the perfect piece for that special someone. Expert sale advisors in-store will make sure you leave the store feeling content with your purchase, while in-depth buying guides online will assist you in selecting the right gift of a ring, watch, necklace, earrings and more to mark the occasion.
On the Ernest Jones homepage you’ll find an interactive carousel of product offers, sale news and brand discounts that are irresistible! From % discounts off special diamond ranges and seasonal treats for this month’s birthstone, to Christmas diamond offers and wedding jewellery deals, there’s something for everyone and every occasion. Search for jewellery and watch offers on site and find sale discounts at Ernest Jones all year round!
- Select the promo code you’d like to use and copy it
- Follow the link to the Ernest Jones website and add the items you'd like to your basket
- Click on the ‘Basket’ link at the top right of the page to view your shopping basket
- In the ‘Add a promo code’ section below your item summary, enter yours
- Click ‘Apply Code’ and your discounts will be applied to your order total
- Click ‘Checkout Securely Now’ to continue with the checkout process as normal.
![Ernest Jones promo code 1]()
By simply popping your email on the mailing list, you’ll be entitled to a an Ernest Jones sign up offer!?
Find an Ernest Jones near you
Ernest Jones opening hours vary considerably on the location of the store, so to double-check the opening and closing times of your nearest store, use the Ernest Jones Store Locator online.
Standard Delivery: £3.00 (FREE on orders over £100)
Next Day Delivery: £5.00
Click & Collect: FREE
Ernest Jones offer a simple exchange and return service to make sure you are always happy with your jewellery and watches. If you change your mind about your purchase, you can return it within 30 days of buying in-store or 30 days from the day of despatch if you buy online. Any returned items must be in their original condition and jewellery for piercings must be in their original, sealed packaging.
If you have received a gift from Ernest Jones and would like to return it, you will receive a gift card in return, unless the return is made using the card used to purchase the item. There are some exceptions and terms, so click here to find out more about Ernest Jones returns.
Call Ernest Jones: 0800 458 1066
Email Ernest Jones: