How the World has come to Expect Fast Internet
Money Saving

How the World has come to Expect Fast Internet

02 September 2016

Fast, reliable internet is no longer a luxury.

It's a modern essential, and on its way to becoming a basic human right - and what was once an often-costly extravagance has become a statement of economic success and, for those without access, a barrier to entry for everyday life.

With 3.8 billion mobile internet users predicted by 2020, the demand for accessible and reliable Wi-Fi will balloon all around the world, with impoverished areas increasingly demanding the basics and established areas demanding consistently better service.

Take a look at our infographic, covering 'How the World has Come to Expect Fast Internet', and learn more about the growing influence of and demand for reliable, powerful internet access all over the world, and in every sector of work and society.

Wi-Fi and Fast Internet InfographicIf you liked this infographic, you might also appreciate our Big Data infographic, or some insight into other future technology with The Future Technology we can Expect from Films.



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