For an unparalleled selection of amazing bags from all the best bag brands on the market, all at incredible prices that you’ll really love, fill up your shopping bag with MyBag, the one-stop shop for all things bag-related. At MyBag you’ll find a great range of bags on offer, including bucket bags, clutch bags, wash bags, leather bags, shoulder bags, crossbody bags and holdalls. Whether you’re after something wholly pragmatic to hold your belongings or something purely aesthetic to finish off your outfit, you’ll find what you’re after at MyBag.
Since setting up shop in 2010 MyBag has very rapidly gone from strength to strength to make a name for itself as the UK’s leading supplier of bags. Offering a wide range of high-quality bags to suit every occasion, when you’re looking to buy a new bag the buck stops here. With luxury brands including Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, Alexander McQueen, Tom Ford, UGG and Vivienne Westwood, indulge your inner fashionista with a brill new bag from MyBag.
- Select your voucher and copy the code
- Follow the link through to MyBag.co.uk
- Add your goods to your shopping bag, then view your bag
- Paste your code into the discount code box and click add
- Follow the link through to checkout
- If no code is required, discount is included in the price!

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Do MyBag offer free delivery?
MyBag offers free standard shipping when you spend over £20 and free next-day delivery when you spend over £70.
What payment methods do MyBag accept?
You can pay for your purcahse with Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, or with PayPal or One4All.
Can MyBag advice me on how to care for my bag?
See the care advice section for information on how best to look after your new MyBag bag.
Get in touch with MyBag’s customer service team here.
Standard Delivery: £1.99 (free on orders over £20)
Next-Day and Saturday Delivery: £3.95 (free on orders over £70)
Premium Next-Day Delivery: £4.95
Sunday Delivery: £5.95
If you’d like to return your order for whatever reason get in touch with MyBag within 48 hours of receipt of your order.