How do I get a Choice Store discount code?
Browse our list of Choice Store deals and select the one you would like to redeem. You can then do this by simply clicking the blue button next to it, which, depending on the deal, will say ‘get code’, ‘get reward’ or ‘view discount’. You will then be redirected through to the Choice Store website. If you are redeeming a discount code, it will be automatically copied into your clipboard.
Does Choice Store offer a student discount?
Not at the moment, but be sure to check back and we will let you know if anything changes.
Can I track my Choice Store order?
Yes, you’ll receive all of the tracking information you need via email or a text from the Choice Store carrier.
Born in Romford, Essex, Choice is that go-to clothing store for apparel and accessories that will have you looking effortlessly stylish. Stocking luxurious designer brands like Armani, Marc Jacobs, DKNY and plenty more - now you can get your hands on the big names in fashion that you’ve been longing for. Adorn your wardrobe with fresh styles and outfits to keep you on trend each season, all year round - Choice Store has got your back.
Whether you’re shopping for your Sunday best sweats or suave work attire - it’s in the name at Choice Store - here you’ve got the pick of an array of styles. Find casual sweatshirts, cardis and polo shirts for all of your weekend antics, while smarter knitwear, wax or soft shell jackets are also available for when you want to look a little more dashing. Men and women alike can find the best in denim, with perfect jeans in both classic or more contemporary styles. With shoes, essential trainers and sunglasses, of course, this is a catalogue to die for. From humble beginnings, it’s safe to say that Choice Store is now the talk of the town, stick with them and you're sure to turn a few heads too!
Choose an offer or copy a voucher code and use our link to take yourself to Shop the Choice catalogue and add the items you’d like to your basket. Click the bag icon in the right-hand corner to review your order, this is where you can enter your voucher code. Click ‘Apply’ to redeem your savings and continue to complete your payment.
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Call Choice Store: 01708 742231 (option 2 for online orders)
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Write to Choice Store:
Customer Service Department,
Choice Ltd
PO BOX 2892