James Villa Holidays was set up by James Needham in 1984. He slowly grew his list of villas, concentrating in Lanzarote for the first few years. There are now over 25,000 villas in the brochure, spread across over 60 destinations including America, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Turkey and Croatia. Similar to a travel agent, James Villa Holidays offers customers a package deal, or just accommodation - depending on your needs. You will find everything from 5* A-lister pads in Ibiza to family holiday resort villas with communal pools. The user-friendly website guides you around the destinations, and creates a holiday tailored to your exact requirements and budget. You can even view a handy comparison chart, so you can see exactly what each villa collection offers. If you’re open minded and unsure where to go on your next holiday - head to the Holiday Ideas page, where you’ll be guided through a selection of holiday suggestions for this year, next year and some family-friendly ideas too.
- You can redeem any James Villas Holiday codes by quoting the code to your Travel Adviser at the time of making your booking.
- Upon approval, a Holiday Confirmation Invoice will be dispatched confirming payment, with your discount deducted.

When you join the mailing list, you’ll get the latest travel news as well as alerts for flash sales and competitions.
Can I request a James Villa Holidays brochure?
Yes, if you’d like a hard copy of the brochure, simply fill out your address and personal details on the pop up form at the bottom of the home page and it will be delivered to your home.
Is there a James Villa Holidays app?
Yes, you can use it to read reviews from customers, plan your holiday and then use the app (which will be personalised to your specifications) during the holiday - loaded up with local maps and travel tips so you make the most of your time away.
Does a James Villa Holidays booking include any extras?
Yes, you can add flights and transfers all in one go. James even includes a 15kg baggage allowance with every flight booking.
Call: 0800 074 0122
Mon – Fri 8 am – 9 pm
Sat – Sun 9 am – 9 pm
Email: customeroperations@jamesvillas.co.uk
Write to:
James Villa Holidays
20/20 Business Park
St Leonards Road
ME16 0LS
When you complete your booking, you will be sent a confirmation email with all the relevant booking information. You will be able to contact your villa host directly to arrange check-in time and a meeting location.
If you wish to amend or cancel your holiday, please fill out the online form as soon as possible. Customer Operations will respond once your request has been processed.
You can talk to Customer Operations during the following times:
Mon-Fri 8am-9pm
Sat-Sun 9am-9pm