How do I get an Oak Furniture Land discount code?
Check the list of Oak Furniture Land deals. When you’ve found your favorite, select the blue button—it’ll say ‘get code’, ‘get reward’, or ‘view discount’. You’ll be redirected through to Oak Furniture Land's website with the code automatically copied.
Where is my nearest Oak Furniture Land?
Check out the list of stockists here.
Are there finance options at Oak Furniture Land?
Yes, if your purchase is over £500, you may be eligible. See here.
There are many reasons why Oak Furniture Land has such a good reputation. The excellence of its furniture certainly plays its part: with a huge selection of oak, mango and mahogany products, all 100% solid hardwood and a guarantee of no particle board or MDF used, you can be sure of quality when you buy. With 20 exclusive ranges that take in a variety of designs, you'll find something to lift every room in the house: be it a bed, chest of drawers, coffee table, TV cabinet or armchair to name a few. You can shop by room, range or product to ensure you end up with the piece you want.
Furniture is delivered complete and ready, so there’s no standing over a pile of miscellaneous parts scratching your head, you can get to enjoying your new furniture straight away. If you’re ordering for a new house, you can take advantage of its Home Movers Promise that lets you lock in today’s sale price for delivery to your new place on a date of your choosing.
- Click on the offer of your choice at vouchercloud and copy the code if provided
- Follow our link to the Oak Furniture Land website and browse for your goods
- Choose your size and click ‘Add to Basket’ then ‘View Basket & Checkout’
- Enter the promo code in the box beneath your order and click ‘Apply’
- Click ‘Checkout Now’ to complete your purchase
- Alternatively, present code at checkout in-store if applicable
- Any offers which don’t require a discount code will be applied automatically
The Oak Furniture Land clearance section has some great deals on some of its best products
Contact us by phone on 0800 440 2254. The Oak Furniture Land clearance section has some great deals on some of its best products
Before delivery: If you cancel your order less than 2 working days prior to delivery you will be liable for a £39 fee plus return charges. Wardrobes have a return fee of £100 per item.
After delivery: You have a 7 day (14 if purchased online) period to cancel your order without charge except for returns cost. Items must be in the condition in which they were received and in the original packaging.
Mattresses are excluded unless they are unopened and in the original packaging. Sofas, armchairs and footstools are made to order and thus excluded from the 7 (or 14) day returns policy.