Where do I find a discount code for Outdoor and Country?
Before your next purchase, stop at vouchercloud for the latest Outdoor and Country codes and offers, as we may even have an exclusive gift card for you. If you subscribe to Outdoor and Country’s newsletter, too, you’ll always be kept up to date with promo codes.
Where can I find Outdoor and Country reviews?
You can click on any item on the Outdoor and Country website to check the reviews. Alternatively, go to the Outdoor and Country reviews section on websites like Trustpilot for information about the brand’s reputation, delivery and more details.
When is the next Outdoor and Country sale?
Although the best sales usually take place at the end of a season or around Black Friday, Outdoor and Country has a sale running pretty much permanently. It’s worth checking the sale every time you visit the website, as you may just find a Barbour jacket in just your size at half price!
Is there an Outdoor and Country NHS discount code?
No, Outdoor and Country isn’t running an NHS discount right now. If the brand ever introduces a discount for NHS employees, we’ll let you know. Don’t forget to check out the Outdoor and Country vouchers on this page, as you’re likely still eligible to save money with a code.
Where are the Outdoor and Country shops?
Outdoor and Country has several shops across the UK, although there is a smaller selection of products in store. Click the ‘Our Stores’ button from anywhere on the Outdoor and Country website to find the details for your nearest store.
Is there an Outdoor and Country new customer discount code?
Sometimes! You may be able to find an Outdoor and Country promo code for new customers by subscribing to the newsletter. We also recommend checking this page, as we’ll post any new customer codes right here.
Follow these quick steps to apply Outdoor and Country discounts to your purchase:
- First, click the blue ‘Get Code’ or ‘View Discount’ button next to the Outdoor and Country deal you want to redeem.
- When you’ve picked a code, we’ll automatically copy it and redirect you to the Outdoor and Country website to continue with your shop.
- If you’ve selected a discount instead, it’ll be automatically applied to your order (no codes required!) or we’ll give you further instructions on how to claim your discount.
- Once you’ve chosen your favourite Outdoor and Country clothing, click the checkout button.
- Follow the instructions and paste the Outdoor and Country code in the box when you reach the payment stage.
- Click ‘Apply and you’re done!
![Outdoor and Country Discount Code](https://img.grouponcdn.com/vouchercloud/3rN7JvkVV3RHKjGPEN9yXCowq4yH/3r-888x588.webp )
![Outdoor and Country Coupon](https://img.grouponcdn.com/vouchercloud/2nAsPY8YDmF7g97F8PmVndkQq68g/2n-1000x396.webp)
The best Outdoor and Country sales
In the Outdoor and Country sales, you can expect at least 50% off clothing by your favourite brands. While the biggest discounts tend to drop as we move into a new season, or in the Outdoor and Country Black Friday sale, you can still count on an Outdoor and Country sale throughout the year, allowing you to save money on out of season or overstocked products.
Check out the Outdoor and Country clothing collection
Stocking clothing for men, women and children for all seasons and weathers, Outdoor and Country is the ideal shop to find the best outdoor clothing brands for less. You’ll see the likes of Schöffel, Dubarry, Crew Clothing and Barbour, including waterproof jackets, wellies, camping gear and sports clothing. We recommend subscribing to the newsletter so Outdoor and Country can keep you posted about the latest offers.
Outdoor and Country offers free shipping with most orders (just spend £35 to qualify!), or you can choose the express delivery option if you want to receive your order sooner.
Standard delivery is free on orders over £35, or £3.95, and takes up to five working days.
Express delivery cost depends on the weight, and takes up to two working days.
Click and collect is free, and takes up to five working days.
Outdoor and Country is extremely generous with its returns policy, allowing customers up to 90 days to return unwanted products for free. If you’d like to return an item, make sure you keep it in the original packaging and in a resaleable condition. Use the Outdoor and Country returns form to generate your prepaid return label.
If you’d like to contact Outdoor and Country customer services, you’ll find the team available from Monday to Friday 09:00-17:30:
Call Outdoor and Country on 0344 844 8998.
Email Outdoor and Country using the contact form or by emailing help@outdoorandcountry.co.uk.
Write to Outdoor and Country, The Old School, Stone Road, Blackbrook, Newcastle, ST5 5EG, United Kingdom.