A Guide to the best Game of Thrones Fan Theories
02 September 2016With Games of Thrones potentially nearing its final few seasons, every episode could to be the most important to date.
The TV show is now - officially - ahead of the books, so dedicated fans are starting to think about the many different ways the show could wrap up.
Among the diehard fans, the level of "hype" is a means of judging the popularity of some of these wild and wonderful theories - and vouchercloud has ranked some of the popular Game of Throne fan theories - with a roast chicken scale - to try and predict which direction the show is going to go and to answer the question how will Game of Thrones end?
Jon Snow becomes a White Walker and conquers Westeros

This is the theory that Jon Snow will eventually be turned into a White Walker and will lead the army of the dead to take over all of Westeros. Arguably this would probably solve a lot of problems as everyone would be technically still alive yet dead. After being betrayed by the Nights Watch there is a lot of support for the wiping out of those who betrayed Jon.

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R+L = J

This is the theory that keeps on theoring. Countless other theories have been created from the strength of this one. The amount of hints dropped about this on the twitter feeds, interviews and leaked set photos almost confirm this. This theory is that Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark were lovers and Jon Snow was the result of that courtship. If this is true then Jon Snow is actually a Targaryen and is an heir to the Iron Throne.

(would be more if this one wasnt so old)
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Daenerys marries Jon Snow

If the whole R+L = J is true then the age old tradition of Targaryen's marrying each other will be going strong. Although if Jon Snow really is the son of Rhaegar then that would mean that Daenerys is technically his aunt. Whilst that would be frowned upon (and probably be illegal) in the real world it's rather unsurprising in the George RR Universe. Also, after all the bloodshed that we have witnessed we may even be grateful for this union.

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Stannis is alive and well and will claim The Iron Throne

Whilst the writers of the TV series may have said that Stannis is dead, there is enough love for Stannis from fans that it is hard to write him off completely. Stannis the Mannis has repeatedly shown he puts the good of the realm above his own personal gain (example being the burning of his own daughter). Although his recent losses at Kings Landing and at Winterfell dent his martial capabilities he is still very much alive. Maybe Brienne remembered her duties as a Kingsguard?

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Game of Thrones follows a passage in the Bible

This theory is one of the more complicated fan theories out there. George RR Martin is reportedly inspired by the rich Norse mythology and the origins of similar Nordic religions, but a lot of his inspiration also comes from biblical stories. Keen eyed fans have noted that the Book of Revelation 12-19 pretty much sums up the entirety of Game of Thrones. There is a detailed reddit thead that is the source of the rumour and can be found below. Essentially, Aegon Targaryen survived the slaughter of the Targaryen's and he (or at least an Aegon lookalike) will return to Westeros and conquer it to restore the dynasty. Daenerys then returns and ruins everything for everyone and Jon retuns as a White Walker to wipe out the survivors

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Jon Snow and Meera Reed are siblings

An old rumour but one that hasn't gone away is that Meera Reed is Jon Snow's sister. This theory links to the R+L=J theory except the courtship resulted in twins! In the shows the characters are portrayed by similar looking actors and in the books both characters are the same age. Surely the level of hype is strong with this one?

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The taking of Kings Landing by the High Sparrow and Cersei Lannister humiliated by his religious zealots has fuelled rich debates on how Cersei will seek retribution. One such debate surrounds the much hyped about "CleganeBowl". This theory involves Cersei using the reanimated Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane in a trial by combat against Sandor "The Hound" Clegane. The reddit thread is a rich source of all things Cleganebowl and the hype is unprecedented. What started as a hype fest can actually turn out to be true with new cast members hinting of a return of a much loved character.

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If you need to catch up, or are looking for a way to watch Season 6 -starting on the 24th April - you can watch every season with a Now TV discount code.
If you liked these Game of Thrones fan theories, you might also enjoy our Game of Thrones quiz - How Well Off Would you be in Westeros?
1. Jon Snow becomes a White Walker theory
3. Daenerys marries Jon theory
4. Stannis is alive and well and will claim the throne theory
5. Game of thrones follows a passage in the Bible theory