Where can I get an EE Store voucher code?
Check vouchercloud for the full list of EE Store offers, including codes and deals, to save money on everything from game consoles to laptop bags. You’ll want to check back regularly to avoid missing out!
Where is the nearest EE Store?
Use the store finder on EE’s official website to find your nearest store. You can enter your address, city or postcode for a list of the available stores in your area.
Are EE Stores open today?
EE is usually open most days from 9:00 to 17:30, but you should check the details for your nearest EE Store using the store finder tool.
Does EE Store have a student discount?
Yes, there’s an EE Store student discount and graduate discount available, which means eligible students can save 10% on BT products. All you have to do is verify your student status via Student Beans, TOTUM or GradBeans.
Can I purchase a PS5 from EE Store?
Of course! EE Store has a selection of PlayStation 5 consoles and PS5 deals with a 24-month subscription to PlayStation Plus Premium.
Follow these quick steps to save on EE Store headphones, gaming computers and more:
First, click the blue ‘Get Code’ or ‘View Discount’ button next to the EE Store deal you’d like to redeem.
When you’ve picked a code, we’ll automatically copy it and redirect you to the EE Store website to continue with your shop.
If you’ve selected a discount instead, it’ll be automatically applied to your order (no codes required!) or we’ll give you further instructions on how to claim your discount.
Once you’ve chosen your favourite tech from the EE Store, click the checkout button.
Before you can enter your code, you’ll need to log in or create an account.
Paste the EE Store promo code in the box when you reach the payment stage.
Click ‘Apply and you’re done!
![EE store discount code](https://img.grouponcdn.com/vouchercloud/3RcKByxfs5wkhARVaV3rdgYoVeLw/3R-1159x501.webp )
Shop the EE bundles
Maximise your savings by taking advantage of bundle deals at the EE Store. When you purchase multiple products at the same time, you can often enjoy a discount. For example, in the EE PS5 bundle deals, you can secure a PlayStation 5 along with a wireless controller, charging station or headset for up to £40 less. EE Store also offers enticing bundle deals on the Nintendo Switch, featuring popular games such as Zelda and Super Mario Bros.
EE Black Friday sales
Don’t miss out on the EE Store Black Friday deals for incredible offers on headphones, laptops, tech accessories and more! EE Store usually has a sale and a sitewide discount code, making it a great time to buy those big-ticket items. We’ll be following the best EE Store deals all Cyber weekend, so be sure to check back next year for more.
Earn cashback with EE trade-in offers
From laptops to smartphones, clear out your old gadgets for some cold hard cash! When you trade in your old tech, all you have to do is post it to EE and you’ll receive a bank transfer as soon as it arrives. With your cashback, you can then treat yourself to some new EE headphones or maybe even a smartphone from the EE Store.
EE Store finder
Looking for your nearest EE Store? There are shops available all over the country, and you can find your nearest one by using the store locator tool on EE’s official website. This is also where you’ll find the contact information and opening times for that particular store.
EE Store offers several delivery options, including free shipping:
Standard delivery is £3.49 or free with selected products (1–3 working days).
Express delivery is £9.99 for delivery the next business day.
Express delivery is £12.98 for delivery the next business day before noon.
Specific day delivery is £7.48.
Some products can be delivered for free – you’ll see a ‘Free Standard Delivery’ tag next to the item. If you’re ordering from Northern Ireland, the Highlands or somewhere else, check the delivery information page.
When you change your mind about an item, you should start the return process within 14 days of the initial delivery date. However, if your item becomes faulty within the first six months, you can contact the manufacturer to arrange a refund or replacement.
Need to contact EE Store? Depending on the nature of your query, there are a few options:
For BT Services, click ‘Get support with BT products and services’ on the contact page.
For EE Services, click ‘Help & Support’ on the contact page.
Alternatively, you can email EE Store at enquire-store@ee.co.uk.