What are the opening hours for the Piccadilly store?
The current opening times for the Piccadilly store are – Monday to Saturday 10am – 9pm and Sunday 12noon – 6pm. This includes bank holidays. For opening times for other Fortnum & Mason establishments please refer to the website.
Where is the nearest underground station to the Piccadilly store?
The nearest tube stations to the Piccadilly store are Green Park and Piccadilly Circus. For more detailed information please visit the website.
Where can I find menus for the Fortnum & Mason restaurants?
You can view full menus for each of Fortnum & Mason’s restaurants whilst find out lots of exciting information too by visiting them online.
Is there a dress code for the Fortnum & Mason restaurants?
There is no enforced dress code at Fortnum and Mason’s restaurants however they do advise that the majority of their guests adhere to ‘smart-casual’ attire when visiting their establishments.
Can I place an order for a fresh bespoke hamper?
You are able to include fresh items in a bespoke hamper, however, Fortnum & Mason can only deliver these hampers to the UK mainland.
Fortnum & Mason’s was founded in 1707 by Hugh Mason and William Fortnum, 2 budding entrepreneurs who paved the way for the beginning of their business by selling Queen Anne’s half used candle wax at a decent profit. Three centuries on and Fortnum and Mason’s flagship store on London’s Piccadilly is still one hundred percent committed to providing the public with the highest quality foods from countries far and wide.
It’s clear to see from Fortnum & Mason’s offerings that food is their passion and as well as purchasing goods to take home with you there is also the option to dine at a number of Fortnum’s restaurants in Piccadilly and across London. Why not indulge in a truly decadent ice cream experience at The Parlour? Or hark back to the golden age of glamour at 45 Jermyn St. It’s not just delectable food and the finest beverages on offer at Fortnum & Mason’s either, you can add a touch of Fortnum’s splendour to your home with their exquisite homeware selection and create a palace fit for a Queen.
- Choose the vouchercloud deal you want to use and follow the link to the Fortnum & Mason website
- Browse for your goods and click ‘Add to bag’ on those you want to purchase
- To checkout, click the basket icon in the top right-hand corner and click to continue to purchase
- Your discounts will be applied automatically at the Checkout
- Sign in or use the Guest Checkout then choose your delivery options and proceed to complete the transaction.
Visit the Monthly Offers' section of Fortnum & Mason’s Wine & Spirits selection to find seasonal reductions on a range of bottles and cases.?
You can return unused items within 28 days of purchase with a receipt for a refund or exchange. Read the full Returns Policy for more information.
Call: +44 (0) 20 7734 8040
Email: customer.services@fortnumandmason.co.uk or use the Contact Form.