How can I redeem a Naturisimo discount code?
Look through our awesome Naturisimo offer. Click on the blue button for the one you want—it’ll say either ‘get code’, ‘get reward’, or ‘view discount’. If there’s a code for the offer, it should be copied to your clipboard, and you'll be redirected to Naturisimo’s website to complete your purchase.
Can you get free delivery at Naturisimo?
Spend over £25 or £175 for your order to qualify for free standard or next day delivery respectively.
What is the Naturisimo return policy?
Items can be returned for a refund as long as they’re sent back within 28 days of receipt, be sure to contact customer service first to obtain a return authorisation number.
Naturisimo are a online retail platform offering a wide range of healthcare, nutrition and beauty products. From skin protection and sun care to makeup, fragrance and nail care, Naturisimo bring together some of the finest products on offer, but not without a careful screening process to ensure they are both ethically sourced and are in no way harmful to the user.
Naturisimo are an independent company who are all too familiar with the challenges of finding healthy and ethically sourced produce in a globalised world. So they have dedicated their platform to providing food and drink that is both healthy and beneficial to the planet. With a focus on ingredient quality, sustainability, effectiveness and, of course, quality, Naturisimo can help you help the planet and put your conscience at ease when it comes to your food and drink intake. With a zero tolerance for animal cruelty, violations of fair trade or ecologically unethical products, you’ll know your onions with Naturisimo and be sure to find healthy, ethical products to suit your needs.
- Select your Naturisimo deal on vouchercloud
- Copy the code, if given, and follow the link through to the Naturisimo website
- Add your items to your basket and, once finished, continue through to checkout
- Follow the link through to secure checkout and enter your code into the ‘ADD PROMO’ taskbar
- IF you don’t have a discount code, your order has been automatically discounted
Be sure to sign up to the Naturisimo newsletter for all the latest updates on fresh promotions and offers.
How can I pay for my Naturisimo items?
You can either pay with your credit/debit card or you can use Paypal. Naturisimo charges payments in Pounds Sterling.
Are there any Naturismo samples on offer?
There are plenty of samples and trial sizes available on the website, just add them to your basket to have them included in your delivery. You can have up to five samples so pick carefully!
Are Naturismo products safe for sensitive skin
All products are 100% organic, but some people’s skin can react to different essential oils or fruit extracts. If you’re concerned this might apply to you perform a patch test on the inside of your wrist to see if you have any natural allergies to the product.
To get in touch with Naturisimo fill out their online form.
UK Standard delivery is free and should take 2-5 working days.
UK Next day delivery is £6.95 and should arrive the next working day for all orders placed before 1pm, provided you are ordering from the UK
For international orders, you can find more information here.
Naturisimo can offer refunds on all unopened items that are returned within 28 days of receipt so long as they are in re-saleable condition. You will receive a refund, not including delivery fees, within 14 working days.