How do I get a Pontins discount code?
Browse the list of Pontins deals. When you’ve found one you want to use on site, select the blue button—it’ll say ‘get code’, ‘get reward’, or ‘view discount’. You’ll be redirected through to the Pontins website with the code automatically copied.
Are Pontins holiday parks accessible for disabled visitors?
If you have any accessibility or mobility concerns, please call 0845 458 8584 prior to making your booking.
Is it possible to bring pets onto Pontins holiday parks?
Unfortunately not, other than guide dogs, pets are not permitted.
We all need some time off throughout the year, away from home, work and school. Pontins make traditional family holidays easy to organise, affordable and above all, enjoyable. Their holiday parks are all within easy reach of the motorway network, and right next to some beautiful stretches of seaside. From chalets to apartments and luxury bungalows, there is accommodation to suit everyone, whether you’re a couple or you’ve got the whole family with you. You certainly won’t go hungry when you stay at Pontins, with self-catering or half board options available, not to mention excellent value pubs, restaurants and dining options all on-site.
And you definitely won’t be lacking for things to do during your stay. Hit the beach and enjoy a splash in the sea, rent a bike and head out on an excursion exploring the nearby countryside, or take advantage of the family entertainment on offer every night, including music, cabaret, and Bluecoat shows.
- Choose your Pontins discount codes and follow the link to the Pontins website.
- Select your Pontins park and choose your dates.
- You’ll be able to enter your vouchercloud discount code.
- Choose your accommodation and catering options.
- Select the number of occupants and click ‘Continue’.
- Enter your address and personal details.
- Enter your payment details and confirm your booking.
![Pontins voucher window]()
If you’re on the lookout for ways to save on your next holiday, have a look at Pontins’
Offers and Late Deals page.
Finding the nearest Pontins holiday park
For general enquiries, call 0871 222 0201 or email
To get in touch with a specific holiday park, please see the
contacts page.
If you want to amend or cancel your booking, you will need to call Pontins immediately. Bookings cancelled more than 56 days before the start date, there won’t be any costs but your deposit will not be refunded. Bookings cancelled after this time, you will be liable for the entire cost of the holiday.
Pontins call centre is open 8 am to 10 pm Monday to Friday, 9 am to 9 pm on Saturdays and 9 am to 7pm on Sundays.